17984 Grant Place
- Lowell, IN 46356
(219) 696-5436
(219) 696-5426


Capabilities |
Caliber has over 4000 square
feet of air conditioned manufacturing space which is equipped
with state of the art equipment and integrated CAD and
design capabilities. Please see our equipment
page for a list of machining equipment.
We specialize in the design
and build of tooling for the plastic injection mold and
die casting industries - but feel just as confident with
designing and building custom assembly fixtures, parts
and repair.

We build all classes of
tooling whether it be high production, low production
or prototypes and in various steels and materials such
H13, P20, 420SS, Aluminum, Beryllium Copper and Alloys,
Caliber builds these tools
incoporating the latest in injection molding technologies
and components and in all sizes and types:
or Multiple Cavitiation, Conventional Cold Runner, Hot
Runner Manifold and Gating, Family Tooling, Insert Molding,
Multiple Cams (Hydraulic or Mechanical Pull), 3 - Plate
Tooling and Stripper Plate Tooling
We make sure to use only
high quality components and technologies when building
your tool. Just let us know what you require in your tooling
and if you are not sure and would like some guidance as
to what should be included in your tool...
pins, bushings, various ejection systems, collapsable
cores, parting line locks, cycle counters, special plating
requirements, texturing, various gating types, various
runner types, various temperature controls (water/oil/electric),
safety switches, detents, etc...
We have decades of expertise in injection mold tooling
and engineering grade molding resins and would be happy
to recommend the correct tooling package for the polymer
used in your application.
No matter how simple or
complex your tooling application is - Caliber is committed
to delivering you a tool that will fit your needs and